Products that breast milk feeder gases are causing children

Mother's milk is the ideal food for a baby, which strengthens the immune system, protects against various diseases. However, mothers who are breast-fed their baby, need to be careful with their diet. Not exactly child about food allergy may be the cause or gases Therefore, breast-fed infants with mothers must carefully follow the child's body reacts to the mother's diet.

Here is a list of foods that should be excluded from the diet, and if the baby is about to occur gases.

  • Cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, green peppers and tomatoes. These foods should use as few as possible, or use a cooked state, not raw.
  • Dairy products, nuts and corn.
  • Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea and fizzy drink.
  • Products containing soya, peanuts, chocolate, citrus fruits containing wheat and shellfish.
  • Fat foods, such as beef, eggs.
  • Pregnant women indicated vitamins that contain iron and gases can cause a child about this issue should definitely consult a doctor.

Breast-fed children, and the food comes supplied with gases can occur in children, the food is not the only reason for the occurrence of gas.

Mom has to ensure that a child eat so late hidden milk, which contains more fat and minerals. It also can contribute to the fight against belly accumulated gases.

Pancreatic enzymes use foods high in mother's milk proteins themselves will split apart, and did not go with the child to help the child get rid of gases that can arise.

Problems sometimes arise in the belly because the baby is hungry or eating milk flow is too fast, and she swallows feeding air to try to avoid such a situation.

Gases Suffering children about Observed
  •     Stomach cramps
  •     After the highly cried
  •     Cried fists are clenched tight
  •     No reason to cry.

Usually such a problem child in the first three months of life, but may last longer. In any case, consult your pediatrician and do not let your little of peace.

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